
It's a mont after my last post. A lot of things happened... I went to a selection for a job at the university. The termination of my contract is approaching (yes, it's only in January 2009, but I prefer moving on on time). It wasn't bad, The job was for a one year contract for the administration of the university web servers. If I'd finished studying at the university I would have won, but was second. (job related motion)

The architect is due to give me the final plan on this weekend, there were some last minute changes on the house, I'm curious to see it. (house related motion)

On this Monday I had to meet with an construction worker for a quote. I had to postpone it. In the morning, when I was driving to work my car was hit from behind, the other driver went out of the car, asked me if I was ok and the fled... I was forced to follow him and called the police. They got him after 30 minutes, I was still driving after his car and directing the police.
After all the bureaucracy I went to the hospital, I wasn't an emergency case. I was there at 10am and went home at 9.45pm. They asked me to come back the next day at 8am.
I'm now suffering a whiplash, have to wear a collar (luckily only just another 10 days) and got some medicines prescribed.
On Wednesday it became clear why the guy fled... hi didn't pay his insurance... I didn't know what to tell to the policeman that told me that on the phone, I couldn't believe it.
Of course I have to sue him now, it will be a long time until the trial... Have to look for an attorney. Those are all complication one doesn't want in his life. (spinal motion)

Anyhow I met with the construction worker on Tuesday - he was very nice, I hope that his quote will be acceptable. He gave me a good feeling. I'm waiting his quote for the week before Christmas. (house related motion)

Another motions... Two days ago I was appointed as the moderator in the newly opened Slovenian EuroBillTracker forum, there is already some people gathering, I hope it could grow in a nice community.

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