Everybody got it and me too ;)
I ordered one unit at Clove Technology in the UK before the tiny laptop was available on the European market. I also like the UK keyboard, so it wasn't really a hard decision :)
With Clove it was really fun making business. I had to wait a long time for the EEE to be delivered, but besides that everything worked as a charm.
When waiting for the unit from Clove I had the bad idea to order another one at LaptopsDirect - also in the UK. IT is a nightmare... I had to wait a long time. On the website there was nothing about the availability of the EEE so it seemed that they were on stock. After a few days they requested a proof of identity regarding my credit card and immediately charged it even before the item were ready for shipment. When the package arrived it was delivered to the WRONG address. When I opened the box I noticed, that it was already opened before shipment, but the worst thing... the battery was missing. I tried to call them on the customer hot line, but it's available only in the UK. I have tried to reach them by email and it takes ages to get a reply. At last a Mandy (if I got the name correctly) called me and offered me something, but due to a bad phone line (they are of course savvy and call abroad with VoIP) I couldn't understand what was she offering me. I asked her to write me an email but never received anything. After a week I again tried to contact them and got a very fast response from a person asking me to fill (again) a RMA request. He accorded me a return of the EEE PC (it was on Sunday). On Monday I got a phone call from the UK during a meeting and couldn't answer... :( again 2 days later they called me, but again it was during an important business call and couldn't get answer :(( Of course I didn't send the EEE back as I wanted to hear what instructions they have to give me.
The RMA number expired and I got an automatic notice to which I replied explainiing the situation... still no answer.

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